How many days are there between May 21, 2011 and August 6, 2012?

How many days are there between May 21, 2011 and August 6, 2012?

Total: (2012-2011) × 366 + 11 + 30 + 31 + 6 = 464 days

Who can answer how many days are there from August 8, 2011 to November 15, 2012?

First of all, from August 8, 2012 to November 8, 2012 is 15 months. Every day is calculated according to an average of 30 days. Finally, if the month is more, it will be increased, and if it is less, it will be decreased. In addition, the 8 days from November 8 to November 15 will be added
15x30 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 8 = 466 days

How many days is it from November 15, 2012 to September 15, 2013?

16 days in November 2012, 15 days in September 2013, the middle by month, 12,1,3,5,7,8 months old, 31 days, 4,6 months, 30 days, February special, 28 days, a total of 305 days, this is the number of days in Baotou and Weihai

How many days are there from November 7, 2011 to November 25, 2012?