What is 108 ° 20'24 "equal to?

What is 108 ° 20'24 "equal to?

= (108 + 20 / 60 + 24 / 3600)°
= 108.34°

How much is √ 24 * √ 27?
For example, how much is the title (the result is a result with a root sign, not an infinite decimal number)
You'd better tell me how to figure it out

√24* √27=√(24*27)=√648

37 degrees 49 minutes + 44 degrees 28 minutes
There must be a process! I'm so worried. I haven't done any other homework yet. The sooner, the better. Thank you

37 degrees 49 points + 44 degrees 28 points
=81 degrees 77 minutes
=82 degrees 17 minutes