Simple calculation 18.125 - (13.5-1.875) + 0.125-6.5

Simple calculation 18.125 - (13.5-1.875) + 0.125-6.5


How to simplify the calculation of 2.18 × 16 × 125


How to divide 8 by 33 / 10 + 7.7 * 0.125-1
How to solve 4 + X: 9 + x = 2 / 3

33 / 10 divided by 8 = 33 / 10 multiplied by 1 / 81 divided by 8 = 1 multiplied by 1 / 8 fraction 33 / 10 = decimal 3.3 fraction 1 / 8 = decimal 0.125 original formula = 3.3 * 0.125 + 7.7 * 0.125-1 * 0.125 = (3.3 + 7.7-1) * 0.125

0.125 * (10 + 0.8) simple operation
