Multiply a number by 8, divide it by 2, and subtract 20. The result is 100. What's the number?

Multiply a number by 8, divide it by 2, and subtract 20. The result is 100. What's the number?

This number = (100 + 20) × 2 △ 8

Add 5 to a number, multiply by 5, subtract 5 and divide by 5. The final result is 5
Solution of a series of equations

Let this number be X

If you add 5 to a number, multiply by 5, divide by 5, and then subtract 5, the difference is still 5

Let this number be X
Plus 5 is (x + 5)
Multiply by 5, that is (x + 5) △ 5 × 5
Subtracting 5 is (x + 5) △ 5 × 5-5
Difference or 5, i.e. (x + 5) △ 5 × 5-5 = 5
Because if you multiply by 5 and divide by 5, you don't multiply and divide
We get x + 5-5 = 5
One plus one minus, x = 5

If you add 5 to a number, multiply by 5, subtract 5, and divide by 5, the result is 5. This number is 5______ .

(5 × 5 + 5) △ 5-5, = (25 + 5) △ 5-5, = 30 △ 5-5, = 6-5, = 1

The sum of the three remainders obtained by removing 63, 91129 from the natural number n is 25, then n is?

∵ 63 + 91 + 129-25 = 258258 = 2 × 3 × 43, ∵ this number may be: 2, 3, 43, 6, 86, 129; and ∵ this number should be less than 63, greater than 25, ∵ this number can only be 43

The sum of the three remainders obtained by removing 63, 91129 from the natural number n is 25, then n is?

∵ 63 + 91 + 129-25 = 258258 = 2 × 3 × 43, ∵ this number may be: 2, 3, 43, 6, 86, 129; and ∵ this number should be less than 63, greater than 25, ∵ this number can only be 43

A natural number, use it to remove 63, 91, 129, the sum of the three remainder is 28
Why do you do this? Why do you add up the divisor and subtract 28?

Because the sum of 63 + 91 + 129 - 28 can be divided by this natural number
255 = 3 * 5 * 17 decompose 255 into prime factor, because the sum of remainder is 28, this natural number cannot be 3 or 5
So the natural number is 17

There is such a natural number. If you use it to remove 63, 91, 129, the sum of the three remainder numbers is 28. What is the natural number?

28 ÷ 3 = 9 more than 1
This natural number, which is a divisor of 255, is smaller than 63
It is larger than 10 (otherwise, the sum of the three residues is 9 × 3 = 27)
The divisors satisfying the requirements are 15, 17 and 51
Check it out. Only 17 of them fit
So the natural number is 17

There is a natural number. If you use it to remove 63, 91 and 129, the sum of the three remainders is 25. This natural number is(

The answer is 43
Because the sum of the remainder is 25, and the remainder cannot be greater than the divisor, the divisor cannot be 2 or 3, so it can only be 43

