What's the mathematical meaning of the fact that the color TV is one seventh cheaper than before The color TV is cheaper than before. What's the mathematical meaning of one seventh meter

What's the mathematical meaning of the fact that the color TV is one seventh cheaper than before The color TV is cheaper than before. What's the mathematical meaning of one seventh meter

The current price of color TV is 6 / 7 of the original price
A quarter meter is a quarter of a meter

Three quarters of the fractional unit is () plus (). Such a fractional unit is equal to two

Three quarters of the fractional units are (1 / 4), plus (5) such fractional units are equal to two

Three quarters means that his fractional unit is one fourth. There are three such fractional units in it, plus () such fractional units,
We get the smallest prime number

Three quarters means that (1 is divided into four parts, take three parts) its fractional unit is one fourth, it has three such fractional units, plus (5) such fractional units, we get the minimum prime number

Two and three fourths of the units are

Quarter, because it is 11 / 4, so the unit of fraction is quarter