1.10 times 101-1.01 formula to calculate the simple calculation of drugs

1.10 times 101-1.01 formula to calculate the simple calculation of drugs

1.10 × 101-1.01 = 1.10 × 101 - 1.01 × 1 = 110 × 1.01-1.01 × 1 (expanding 1.10 by 100 times is 110, while reducing 101 by 100 times is 1.01) = 1.01 × (110-1) = 1.01 × (100 + 10-1) = 1.01 × 100 + 1.01 × 10-1.01 × 1 = 101 + 10.1-1.01 = 110.09

Simple calculation of 41 × 101


Simple calculation: 4 / 7 × 1 / 5 + 4 / 7 △ 5

Four out of seven times two out of five

0.88 times 101 plus 4.8 divided by 0.8
