How is a × B × AB = BBB calculated AB are two different numbers

How is a × B × AB = BBB calculated AB are two different numbers

a*ab=bbb/b=111 111=3*37 a*ab=3*37 a=3 b=7

If a and B represent different numbers, AB is a two digit number and BBB is a three digit number, and the following formula is satisfied: a times B and multiplying AB equals BBB. Then a = () B = () is ()

A * b * AB = BBB,
Divide both sides by B,
A * AB = 111
111 has only three divisors: 1, 3 and 37,
So the answer is a = (3), B = (7). The formula is (3 * 7 * 37 = 777)

142857 times 3 to get 428571. How to calculate it?

Column type: 142857
X 3
four hundred and twenty-eight thousand five hundred and seventy-one

The rule that 0.142857 times 3 equals 0.428571
