1 / 11 + 2 / 17 + 10 / 11 + 15 / 17 (simple calculation)

1 / 11 + 2 / 17 + 10 / 11 + 15 / 17 (simple calculation)


Write the greatest common factor of the numerator and denominator in the following fractions: 1:15:8, 2:46:12, 3:91:13, 4:51:34,
, 5:1 / 7

1: The greatest common factor is 13.4:51:34, the greatest common factor is 17.5:7:1, and the greatest common factor is 1.5:1

Write the greatest common factor of the following numerator and denominator: 36 / 90 17 / 51 27 / 48 5 / 28 35 / 95 7 / 48 2 / 6 73 / 72 12 / 18 5 / 15 6 / 60 22 / 55
7/28 15/21 3/8 12/72

18 17 1 5 1 2 1 6 5 6 11 7 3 1 6

What is the greatest common factor between the numerator and denominator of 6 / 9, 9 / 36, 34 / 51 and 18 / 90?
