12 divided by 1.25?

12 divided by 1.25?

12 divided by 1.25 = 12 divided by 5 / 4 = 12 multiplied by 4 divided by 5 = 48 divided by 5 = 9.61.25 can be converted into 5 / 4 or 10 / 8, 12 divided by 5 / 4 or 10 / 8, integer calculation is more convenient. 12 * 4 / 5 = 48 / 5 = 9.6

2.1 divided by 1.25?

2.1/1.25 =(2.1*8)/(1.25*8) =16.8/10 =1.68

Simple operation of dividing 800 by 5


Math 80 divided by 4800 divided by 48000 divided by 4, what do you find from the results

In the case of constant divisor, if the divisor is increased by 10 times, the quotient will be increased by 10 times, and if the divisor is increased by 100 times, the quotient will be increased by 100 times. In other words, if the divisor is not changed, if the decimal point of the divisor is moved to the right, the decimal point of the quotient will be moved to the right