3 15 35 63 same term formula

3 15 35 63 same term formula

According to the known laws, it is not difficult to find the following rules: 3 = 1 * 3, 15 = 3 * 5, 35 = 5 * 7, 63 = 7 * 9 We can know that the value of the nth term is (2n-1) * (2n + 1) (n = 1,2,3...)
I don't know how to write it. I don't know how to write it,

3,15,35,63,99,… General term formula

Rule: starting from the first term, each term is equal to four times the square of the number of terms, and then minus 1
The nth term = 4N & # 178; - 1

How much is (y minus 3000) divided by 3

Thank you^_^
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What is 1600 divided by 3000


What is 29 divided by 3000

0.0096667 for high praise!