It is easy to calculate {25% multiplied by 76 + 23 multiplied by quarter + 0.25} divided by 0.1 [1 minus {4 and 3 / 3 minus 1 and 3 / 4 multiplied by 2}] divided by 2 and 1 / 2

It is easy to calculate {25% multiplied by 76 + 23 multiplied by quarter + 0.25} divided by 0.1 [1 minus {4 and 3 / 3 minus 1 and 3 / 4 multiplied by 2}] divided by 2 and 1 / 2

First, the approximate score is changed to 2.5 times 76 + 23 times 2.5 + 2.5, and then the common factor 2.5 is extracted to 2.5 * (76 + 23 + 1) = 2.5 * 100 = 250

How to calculate one minus one quarter plus two fifths?

It's good to change fractions into decimals, 1-0.25-0.4 = 0.35