(grade 4) a barrel of oil is 32kg, half of it is used, and there is still 17kg. How much is the oil? How much is the barrel?

(grade 4) a barrel of oil is 32kg, half of it is used, and there is still 17kg. How much is the oil? How much is the barrel?

Half oil weight: 32-17 = 15kg
Then oil weight: 15 * 2 = 30kg, barrel weight: 32-30 = 2kg

A barrel of oil weighs 17.5kg. After 40% is poured out, the barrel weighs 12.5kg. What's the weight of the barrel

5 divided by 40% = 12.5kg
Check the calculation, remember to adopt Oh!

A barrel of oil weighs 17 kg. After eating half of it, the whole barrel weighs 9 kg. How many kg does a barrel of oil weigh? How many kg in a barrel?

Oil weight: (17-9) × 2 = 16 kg
Barrel weight: 17-16 = 1kg
A: a barrel of oil weighs 16 kg, 1 kg in the barrel

A barrel of oil weighs 25 kg. Two fifths of it is used in the first time, and two fifths of it is used in the second time. Is the oil used in the two times the same?
How many kilos of oil are used in the two times?

It must be different
A total of 25 × 2 / 5 + 2 / 5