Who can help me calculate the total number of days from May 1, 2009 to September 17, 2013

Who can help me calculate the total number of days from May 1, 2009 to September 17, 2013

Taking 5.1 and 9.17 into account, 1599 days in total

A simple algorithm for 8 / 9 * [7.2 - (11 / 16 + 7 / 16)]

A simple algorithm of 2 / 9-7 / 16 * 2 / 9


Can this problem be solved easily? 2 / 9-7 / 16 × 2 / 9

This problem can be said to use the law of distribution, 2 / 9 can be regarded as 2 / 9 times 1, then the original formula is equal to 2 / 9 * 1-7 / 16 * 2 / 9, equal to (1-7 / 16) * 2 / 9

Find the remainder of 2461 * 135 * 6047 divided by 11?

The remainder is 5

2461 times 135 times 6047 divided by 11, what's the remainder?

The remainder is 5

The remainder of 2461 × 135 + 6047 × 323-2345 divided by 11 is ()

228307/11=20755…… two

Remainder: 2461 * 135 * 6047 / 11

The remainder is 1

What is the remainder of 135 divided by 24

The remainder of 135 divided by 24 is 15

5:1 by 23:15,9:5 by 25:4,8:1 divided by 5:3,11:6 divided by 12:8 by 8:3 by 4:1

One in five times 15 in 23 is three in 23
5 out of 9 times 4 out of 25 is 4 out of 45
One in eight divided by three in five equals three in 40
6 out of 11 divided by 12 equals 1 out of 22
Eight times three in eight times one in four equals three in four