0-9 ten numbers are filled in brackets to make the formula hold: () + () = () + () > () + () = () + () = () + () Each number can only be used once. It is a circular formula

0-9 ten numbers are filled in brackets to make the formula hold: () + () = () + () > () + () = () + () = () + () Each number can only be used once. It is a circular formula


Put the 9 numbers 1 ~ 9 in the brackets below and make the formula hold. Each number can only be used once
(1) ( )( )*( )=( )( ) ( )*( )=( )( )
(2) ( )( )/( )=( ) ( )/( )=( )( )/( )

(1)27*3=81 6*9=54
(2)56/7=8 4/3=12/9

Use the nine numbers 1-9 to fill in the following to make the equation hold. Each number can only be used once

After trial filling, the following two equations can be obtained: ① 4 △ 2 = 6 △ 3 = 158 △ 79; ② 9 △ 3 = 6 △ 2 = 174 △ 58

0.9 tons of soybean can extract 0.3 tons of oil. What is the formula of 0.9 divided by 0.3?

How many tons of soybeans do you need to squeeze a ton of oil