How much is 16 times 4?

How much is 16 times 4?


15 / 2 (2 / 15) + 35 / 2 + 63 / 2 + 99 / 2 + 143 / 2 = how much,


What is the composition of the third grade in autumn 250 words

I believe many people have heard this saying. It seems that spring is the most beautiful season. But I don't think so. I think autumn is the most beautiful season of the year. Even if it's a little lonely, it's full of beauty. Autumn is the beauty of fallen leaves. After the wind blows, summer leaves and autumn comes

What is the composition of grade three (300 words) in autumn?

Campus in autumn I love not only the campus in spring, but also the charming campus in autumn. As soon as I enter the gate of the school, I can see a big flower bed on the left, where chrysanthemums and rose flowers are in full bloom. You see, some of those chrysanthemums have already finished, like happy smiling faces. Some are half open, like shy little girls