How to divide 6800 by 1600

How to divide 6800 by 1600


How to divide 1162 by 14

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Divide the number a by the number B, the quotient is 68, and the remainder is 2______ The remainder is______ .

Divide the number a by the number B, the quotient is 68, and the remainder is 2

A math problem: total 161 (sum of divisor plus quotient plus divisor plus remainder) quotient 25 remainder 3 find the divisor of this number

If the divisor is x, the divisor is 25X + 3
The divisor is five

In primary school mathematics problems with remainder, there is a number divided by 9, and the quotient is 3. What is the maximum remainder,

The maximum remainder is 8
The maximum number is 3 * 9 + 8 = 35