What is 99% plus 1%

What is 99% plus 1%


What's the sum of 1 to 99? Speed!

(1 + 99) x99 divided by 2 = 4950

How to make the sum of 5 ~ 20 equal to 50?

20 6 7 17
9 15 14 12
13 11 10 16
8 18 19 5
Have you ever heard of Jiugong grid, which is a square array of 3 * 3 arranged from 1 to 9. The sum of horizontal, vertical and oblique is equal
Jiugong grid can also be expanded, for example, 1 ~ 16 becomes 4 * 4, 25 becomes 5 * 5
Here is to transform 1 ~ 16 into a square matrix of 4 * 4 and then add 4 to each number
This can be very simple to calculate with MATLAB
The code is

How many combinations of any five numbers from 1 to 20 add up to 50?

511 combinations: 1 + 2 + 8 + 19 + 20 = 501 + 2 + 9 + 18 + 20 = 501 + 2 + 10 + 17 + 20 = 501 + 2 + 10 + 18 + 19 = 501 + 2 + 11 + 16 + 20 = 501 + 2 + 11 + 17 + 19 = 501 + 2 + 12 + 15 + 20 = 501 + 2 + 12 + 16

Who knows that the sum of is equal to 200, in which two numbers are common
Use The number can only be used once. The sum of 15 circles is equal to 200. There are two circles in common

The sum of eight numbers equals 360
So the number of shares is 10 and 30
Others, 60, 20, 80 on the left
40, 50, 70 on the right
The answer is over

For numbers from 1 to 35, the sum of 5 bits equals 99. There are several algorithms

I can't understand your description
Do you mean five numbers from 1 to 35 add up to 99?

What is the sum of 100

Add the head and tail, multiply by the middle, OK!

The sum of odd numbers equals 64 (4 odd numbers)

13 15 17 19

Four singular numbers add up to 43

The four odd numbers are expressed as: 2n + 1,2m + 1,2x + 1,2y + 1
Then the sum is: 2 (n + m + X + y) + 4 = 2 (n + m + X + y + 2) - even
So it's impossible to find four odd sums to be odd (43)

The sum of 7 odd numbers equals 36. It can be used repeatedly. Note: only 7 odd numbers can be added
Seven odd numbers must be added. Not even numbers. Seven odd numbers must be added. Not less or more

This is out of the question
Because 7 is odd and 36 is even, the sum of odd and odd numbers must not be even
So it's not true that seven odd numbers add up to 36
If you don't believe it, try it