How much is a number divided by 23 over 3, divided by 19 over 15, divided by 17 over 8, divided by 13 over 2?

How much is a number divided by 23 over 3, divided by 19 over 15, divided by 17 over 8, divided by 13 over 2?

The minimum number of such positive integers is 17552
All numbers in the form of 17552 + 96577 * P satisfy (P belongs to integer)

There is a number divided by 13 more than 2, divided by 17 more than 1, divided by 23 more than 5, Q: what is the minimum number?

23K + 5 = (17K + 1) + 2(3K + 2)
3K + 2 can be divided by 17, Kmin = 5
23*5 + 5 = 120
17*23 = 391
391K + 120 = (390K + 117 + 2) + (K + 1)
K + 1 can be divided by 13, Kmin = 12
The minimum number is 391 * 12 + 120 = 4812

How many degrees, how many minutes and how many seconds is 80 degrees minus 27 degrees, 15 minutes and 35 seconds

80 degrees minus 27 degrees 15 minutes 35 seconds
=79 degrees 59 minutes 60 seconds - 27 degrees 15 minutes 35 seconds
=52 degrees, 44 minutes, 25 seconds

The ratio of 5 / 4 to 0.25 is reduced to the simplest fraction ratio is () and the ratio is ()

Reduce the ratio of 5 / 4 to 0.25 to the ratio of 5:1 to 5
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