On the number axis, the number on the left is negative and the number on the right is positive The center is 0

On the number axis, the number on the left is negative and the number on the right is positive The center is 0

Strictly speaking, this sentence is wrong. The second and third sentences are wrong. It should be said that the left side of the origin is a negative number, and the right side of the origin is a positive number

How to express that a is positive and negative

Positive number a > 0
Negative a

What do positive and negative numbers mean

Quantity in the opposite sense;
For example:
Income is positive, expenditure is negative; temperature above 0 ℃ is positive, below 0 ℃ is negative; above sea level is positive, below 0 ℃ is negative

Can any number be divided into positive and negative numbers? The package does not include the root 2

Real numbers are OK
Root 2 is also a positive number
But I will learn the imaginary number corresponding to the real number in the future