The number of intersections of parabola y = - 3 ^ 2 + 2x-1 and coordinate axis is () A. 0 B. 1 C. 2 D. 3

The number of intersections of parabola y = - 3 ^ 2 + 2x-1 and coordinate axis is () A. 0 B. 1 C. 2 D. 3

Discriminant = 4-4 (- 3) (- 1)

If the parabola y = (m-1) x ^ 2 + 2x + 1 / 2m image has only two intersections with the coordinate axis, then M=

If there are and only two focal points, they must pass through the origin, and (0,0) brings in M = 0

If the number of intersections between the parabola y = - 3x2 + 2x-1 and the coordinate axis is less than 0, there is no intersection between the image and the X axis. What about the number of intersections with the Y axis?

Y = - (3x2-2x + 1), there is no intersection with the X axis, and the intersection with the Y axis, let x = 0, get the intersection coordinates (0, - 1), there is only one intersection. Another method is to draw the approximate image of the parabola, and then it is clear at a glance

What is the number of intersections between the parabola y = - x ^ 2 + X + 7 and the coordinate axis?
2. Find the number of intersections of parabola y = x ^ 2-ax + A-2 and coordinate axis

1 intersection with y axis
Triangle > 0, two intersections with X axis
So the first question is three
Triangle equals a & sup2; - 4A + 8 = (A-2) & sup2; + 4 > 0
So there are three