How much is 90-50 degrees and 39 minutes

How much is 90-50 degrees and 39 minutes

39 degrees 21 minutes these numbers can only be added, and the sum should be equal to 100, which can be reused

17 + 17 + 17 + 17 + 16 + 16 = 100, the process is from big to small, keep trying, I tried for about 5 minutes, finally got this result! For example: 40 + 40, unsuccessful, 40 + 39, unsuccessful

There are several ways to choose n numbers from the following numbers: and add them to get 100

Because 100 + 59 = 159, the total number added is 59

40, 39, 24, 23, 17, 16, how much plus how much is equal to 100!


The scores on the digital target are: 40, 39, 24, 23, 17, 16! If you want to make the total score equal to 100, how many arrows do you need to shoot? What's the score of each arrow?

The score of each arrow is 16, 16, 17, 17, 17 and 17

There are four scores: 11 / 24 12 / 25 11 / 29 19 / 39. What is the sum of the maximum score and the minimum score?

The biggest is 19 / 39 and the smallest is 11 / 29

11 equal to 12 equal to 21 equal to 22 equal to 05 equal to 15 equal to 25 equal to 35 equal to 09 equal to 19 equal to 29 equal to 39 equal to 40 equal to?


How much is one times two times one third plus two times three times one fourth all the way to forty-eight times forty-nine times fifty?

1/(1×2)+1/(2×3)+1/(3×4)+…… 1/(49×50)
=1/1-1/2+1/2-1/3+1/3-1/4+…… +1/49-1/50
=49 / 50 intermediate offset,

One half plus (one third plus two thirds) plus (one fourth plus two fourths plus three fourths) plus What's 49 out of 50?
The great God save me?

One half plus (one third plus two thirds) plus (one fourth plus two fourths plus three fourths) plus Add it to 49 out of 50
Welcome to ask!

Half - (half to one third) - (one third to one fourth) - -(49th to 50th)
(- 0.125) to the power of 2000 × 8 to the power of 2002 × (- 1) to the power of 2n + 2 × (- 1) to the power of 2N-1
