Given (2x-a) (5x + 2) = 10x & sup2; - 6x & sup2; + B, find the value of a and B

Given (2x-a) (5x + 2) = 10x & sup2; - 6x & sup2; + B, find the value of a and B


12A's square B's cube-8a's cube B's square-16ab's fourth power

12A's cube of square B-8A's cube of square b-16ab's fourth power = 4AB & # 178; (3ab-2a & # 178; - 4B & # 178;) = - 4AB & # 178; (2a & # 178; + 4B & # 178; - 3AB); please accept if you agree with my answer, please accept it in time, ~ if you agree with my answer, please click "accept as satisfactory answer" in time