What is the function of energy meter and fuse in home circuit

What is the function of energy meter and fuse in home circuit

Metering power consumption and protection circuit

What is the purpose of the watt hour meter connected to the home circuit to measure

As the name suggests, the electric energy meter is to measure the amount of electric energy used by the family. It is to measure the amount of current flowing through the electric energy meter in the case of our single-phase 220 v. the turntable in the ordinary turntable electric energy meter depends on the effect of the magnetic field generated by the voltage and current coils in the meter. The electronic electric energy meter rotates through the CT ratio, Measured by the circuit to detect the secondary current of CT. After all, it is to measure the current!

The watt hour meter used in home circuit is specially used to measure ()
A. Voltage B. current C. electric power D. electric work

(1) Electric energy meter is used to measure the work done by electrical appliances in unit time, that is electric work; (2) ammeter is used to measure current, voltmeter is used to measure voltage, electric power is the physical quantity that indicates the speed of current work, can not be measured by electric energy meter