Why do wires with high resistance produce more heat

Why do wires with high resistance produce more heat

A wire is connected in series in a constant current circuit because the resistance of the wire multiplied by the square of the current flowing through it is the power consumption of the wire. According to Joule's law, more heat is generated
According to Ohm's law, the larger the resistance, the smaller the current flowing through the wire, and the current multiplied by the voltage, the lower the power consumption

Why is the wire hot and the wire not

The resistance of the wire is much larger than that of the wire, so the wire shares a large voltage under the same current, and the wire is not hot

How does an electric water heater convert electric energy into heat energy?

Electric water heater: there is an electric heating rod inside, through which electric energy is converted into internal energy (heat energy);
The main part of the electric heating rod is the resistance wire, which generates heat when it is electrified. If it is equipped with anti dry burning, the temperature switch will also be set in the electric heating rod
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Why is it wrong to say that "electric current transforms electric energy into heat energy through electric iron" in the statement that electric current does work?
I still can't understand that the electric iron is actually an electric heating wire. When the current passes through the electric heating wire, the electric energy is converted into heat energy. It seems that the meaning is the same!

I think it's right. The electric iron is a pure resistance circuit. The current will generate heat and the electric energy will be converted into heat energy. What's wrong?
Yes, the electric iron is the same as the electric heating wire. Isn't that what the thermal work equivalent of Joule is about? Besides, there is no other conversion of electric current. There is no light energy or mechanical energy. So the original one must be right. Believe it