Bulbs L1 and L2 are respectively marked with the words "220V 25W" and "220V 15W". If the two bulbs are connected in series and connected in the home circuit, the voltage ratio of the two lamps is______ What is the ratio of the current passing through______ What is the ratio of the actual power consumed______ The brighter light is______ If they are connected in parallel in a home circuit, the voltage ratio of the two lamps is______ What is the ratio of the current passing through______ What is the ratio of the actual power consumed______ The brighter light is______ .

Bulbs L1 and L2 are respectively marked with the words "220V 25W" and "220V 15W". If the two bulbs are connected in series and connected in the home circuit, the voltage ratio of the two lamps is______ What is the ratio of the current passing through______ What is the ratio of the actual power consumed______ The brighter light is______ If they are connected in parallel in a home circuit, the voltage ratio of the two lamps is______ What is the ratio of the current passing through______ What is the ratio of the actual power consumed______ The brighter light is______ .

The filament resistance of the two bulbs are R1 = u2p1 = (220 V) 225 w = 1936 Ω, R2 = u2p2 = (220 V) 215 w ≈ 3227 Ω. If the two bulbs are connected in series and connected in the home circuit, ∵ u1u2 = r1r2, ∵ the voltage ratio of the two bulbs is 1936 Ω, 3227 Ω = 35; ∵ I = I1 = I2, ∵ the current passing through is

In the series circuit, there are two small bulbs. It is known that the rated voltage of L1 is 220 V, the rated power is 100 W, the rated voltage of L2 is 220 V, and the rated power is 40 W?

R1 = U1 forehead & sup2 / P1 forehead = (220V) & sup2 / 100W = 484 Ω, normal luminous current I1 = P1 forehead / U1 forehead = 100W / 220V = 5 / 11a
R2 = U2 forehead & sup2 / P2 forehead = (220V) & sup2 / 40W = 1210 Ω, normal luminous current I2 = P2 forehead / U2 forehead = 40W / 220V = 2 / 11a
I1 < I2, the maximum current allowed to be added in series is I = 2 / 11a (without damaging the bulb)
Maximum voltage of power supply u = IR = I (R1 + R2) = 2 / 11a * (484 Ω + 1210 Ω) = 308v

Two bulbs are connected in series in a 220 V circuit. Their rated voltage is 220 v. the rated power of L1 is 100 W, and that of L2 is 20 W. which bulb is on

If the rated power of L1 is 100W, the resistance of L1 is R1 = 220 / 100 = 484 ohm and that of L2 is 20W, the resistance of L2 is R2 = 220 / 20 = 2420 ohm. If two bulbs are connected in series in the circuit of 220V, the current of the two bulbs is the same. If the voltage is proportional to the resistance, the voltage at both ends of L2 is large, so L2 is on

The normal working voltage of a small festival lantern is 6.3V. If you want to connect this kind of lantern to the home circuit (the power supply voltage is 220V) for decoration, the answer is that there are 35 channeling connections, that is, 220V / 6.3 ≈ 34.9. I want to ask: the voltage of each small bulb in the channeling connection circuit is not necessarily equal, why is 35 channeling connections OK?

Each bulb has the same resistance and the same voltage