When someone is using an electric iron, in order to facilitate ironing and not make the temperature rise too high, the electric iron is usually connected to the circuit as shown in the figure. When should the switch s be closed and opened? What are the benefits of doing this?

When someone is using an electric iron, in order to facilitate ironing and not make the temperature rise too high, the electric iron is usually connected to the circuit as shown in the figure. When should the switch s be closed and opened? What are the benefits of doing this?

When the electric iron needs a higher temperature, the switch s should be closed; when the electric iron needs a lower temperature, the switch s should be disconnected; when the switch S is disconnected, the electric iron is connected in series with the lamp L to increase the resistance in the circuit and reduce the current in the circuit. According to the formula P = I2R, the electric power of the electric iron is reduced and the temperature of the electric iron decreases, so it is convenient to adjust the temperature

An incandescent lamp connected to the lighting circuit can work normally. At this time, the resistance of the lamp is 484 ohm,
When the lamp works normally, what is the current passing through the lamp and what is the rated power of the lamp

When the rated voltage is 220 V
Current: 220 / 484, about 0.45a
Rated power: 220 ^ 2 / 484 = 100W

Connect a 484 ohm lamp to the lighting circuit, and the current will do work in 10 minutes_____________ Scorch

60000 coke
The lighting circuit voltage is 220 v,
The work calculation formula is j = u square × time t △ resistance R = 220 × 220 × 10 × 60 △ 484 = 60000