What is the meaning of this formula in the electric energy meter w = n / revolution, w refers to () n () revolution refers to (), by the way, what is electric work? It's better to understand it by yourself

What is the meaning of this formula in the electric energy meter w = n / revolution, w refers to () n () revolution refers to (), by the way, what is electric work? It's better to understand it by yourself

N is the number of revolutions, the correct formula is n / 3600000j, is to calculate the kilowatt hour (kW. H), 1 kilowatt hour = 1000 watts * 3600 seconds = 3600000 joules. The electric work is the work done by the current (see science textbook in grade 3), the calculation formula is w = Pt, w = uitw = I & sup2; RT
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On the revolution of physical watt hour meter
Xiaoming's home appliance meter is marked with the words of 220 V 10 (20) a, 50 Hz, 1500 R / kW. H. first question: when there is a refrigerator in the house working normally, he measured that the meter turns three times a minute and asked how many joules the refrigerator consumes during this period of time. Second question: when the refrigerator and hot water kettle are working normally, he measured that the meter turns 33 times a minute, How many watts is the electric power of the kettle at this time? The third question: if the kettle is used to heat 1kg of water from 20 ℃ to boiling, what is the time required? {the pressure is the standard atmospheric pressure, regardless of the heat loss, the specific heat capacity of water is 4.2 × 10J}

1. The energy consumed by refrigerator w = revolutions n / parameter of energy meter n = 3 revolutions / (1500 revolutions / kWh) = 0.002 kwh = 2 × 10 to the negative third power, kwh = 2 × 10 to the negative third power, 3.6 × 10 to the sixth power, j = 7200 J 2. When refrigerator and kettle work normally, the turntable of energy meter turns 33 times a minute. When refrigerator works normally alone, the turntable of energy meter turns 3 times a minute, The electric energy consumed by the kettle is w = revolutions n / the parameter of the meter is n = 30 revolutions / (1500 revolutions / kWh) = 0.02kwh = the minus second power of 2 × 10 kwh = the minus second power of 2 × 10 kwh = the sixth power of 3.6 × 10 J = 72000j, the electric power of the kettle is p = w / T = 72000j / 60s = 1200w3, the heat absorbed by water is q = cm (t-to) = 4200j / kg ℃× 1kg × (100 ℃ - 20 ℃) = 336000j The electric energy consumed by the electric kettle w = Pt, without considering the heat loss, q = W. the power on time t = w / P = 336000j / 1200W = 280s

How to use the electric energy meter and stopwatch to calculate the electric power

n. The number of laps you take when you measure,
T. You have time
C. Meter constant

Principle of measuring electric power with electric energy meter and stopwatch

The electric energy W is measured by the electric energy meter and the time t is measured by the stopwatch