What is the resistance of 5.1k

What is the resistance of 5.1k

The unit of resistance is Ohm, expressed in Ω, 1 Ω, 100 Ω. If thousand or ten thousand ohm is to reduce the number of zero, K is to represent thousand bits, and M is to represent ten thousand, that is, K Ω, m Ω. We are used to omitting how much K to write directly
5.1k = 5100 ohm

How much can 1K resistor reduce current? How much can 1 ohm resistor reduce current

It depends on the circuit in which the same resistance acts differently in different circuits. According to Ohm's law, I = u / R has different current drop at different voltages, which is also related to the original circuit condition
For example, in a 6V power supply circuit, if there is 1 ohm resistance in the original circuit and I connect 1 ohm resistance in series, the current will be reduced from 6 A to 3 A; if there is 5 ohm resistance in the original circuit and I connect 1 ohm resistance in series, the current will be reduced from 1.2 A to 1 A, 0.2 a

I went to buy a resistor. The value of the resistor is 51 ohm. She asked me how many watts it is. Does the resistor have a power label?

The over-current of small package is also small, mainly over-current

If the total resistance is 1K ohm, then the resistance value of each resistance is_____ Oh?
The above are the difficulties I encountered in learning, I also want a long time, or do not understand, I hope you can help me answer; here, I thank you first!

Four thousand!
The power is also increased by 4 times!
--Lonely mountain people