The density of copper is 8900 kg / M and the molar mass of copper is 0.064 kg / mol

The density of copper is 8900 kg / M and the molar mass of copper is 0.064 kg / mol

The volume of 1 mole of copper = 0.064kg △ 0.0089kg / cm ^ 3 = 7.19cm ^ 3, containing 6.02 * 10 ^ 23 copper atoms, that is, the volume of each copper atom = 7.19cm ^ 3 △ 6.02 * 10 ^ 23 = 1.19 * 10 ^ - 23 cm ^ 3. The sphere volume v = 4 π R & sup3 / 3, r = 1.5 * 10 ^ - 6cm, diameter = 3 * 10 ^ - 6cm

It is known that the molar mass of copper is 6.4 * 10 ^ 2kg / mol, the density is 8.9 * 10 ^ 3kg / m ^ 3, and the Avogadro constant is 6.0 * 10 ^ 23mol ^ (- 1)
It is known that the molar mass of copper is 6.4 * 10 ^ 2kg / mol, the density is 8.9 * 10 ^ 3kg / m ^ 3, and the Avogadro constant is 6.0 * 10 ^ 23mol ^ (- 1). If each copper atom can provide one free electron, try to estimate the density of free electron in copper conductor

Uncle worker to cast a section of 2 meters square steel, its cross-section is a side length of 5 cm square, the volume of this section of square steel is how many cubic centimeters? If the steel weighs 7.8 grams per cubic centimeter, how many kilograms does this section of square steel weigh?

2m = 200 cm, 5 × 5 × 200, = 25 × 200, = 5000 (cubic cm), 5000 × 7.8 = 39000 (g) = 39 kg; a: the volume of this section of steel is 5000 cubic cm, and the weight of this rectangular steel is 39 kg

A cuboid steel, 4.8 meters long, cross-section is a side length of 5 cm square. Each cubic decimeter of steel weighs 7.8 kg, which is related to the weight of steel how many kg?

4.8 M = 48 decimeters
5 cm = 0.5 decimeter
Just figure it out for yourself