In order to explore the "relationship between electric power and resistance", Li Ming found two lamps L1 and L2 with the rated voltage of 6V. He connected the two lamps in series and started the experimental exploration according to the circuit shown in the figure. After closing the switch, he saw that the lamp L2 was slightly luminous, while the lamp L1 was almost not luminous. Then the relationship between the resistance R1 and R2 of the two lamps, and the rated power P1 and P2 of the two lamps was established (not applicable) Consider the change of filament resistance value with temperature) () A. R1>R2,P1>P2B. R1<R2,P1<P2C. R1>R2,P1<P2D. R1<R2,P1>P2

In order to explore the "relationship between electric power and resistance", Li Ming found two lamps L1 and L2 with the rated voltage of 6V. He connected the two lamps in series and started the experimental exploration according to the circuit shown in the figure. After closing the switch, he saw that the lamp L2 was slightly luminous, while the lamp L1 was almost not luminous. Then the relationship between the resistance R1 and R2 of the two lamps, and the rated power P1 and P2 of the two lamps was established (not applicable) Consider the change of filament resistance value with temperature) () A. R1>R2,P1>P2B. R1<R2,P1<P2C. R1>R2,P1<P2D. R1<R2,P1>P2

The brightness of the bulb is determined by the actual power of the bulb, because the lamp L2 emits a little light, and the lamp L1 hardly emits light, so the actual power of L2 is greater than that of L1. Because the two lamps are connected in series, according to P = I2R, under the same current, the electrical power of the consumer is proportional to the resistance, so R2 > R1, The electric power is inversely proportional to the resistance. Because R1 < R2, P1 > P2

Relationship between power distribution and resistance in series and parallel

In series, the current is the same, so in series, the power is proportional to the resistance
That is to say:
At the same time, P = u ^ 2 / R
In parallel, the voltage is the same, so the power is inversely proportional to the resistance
That is to say: