How to calculate the electricity charge? How much is the electricity charge for one hour? I spent 54.4 in 10 days Our apartment has a one-time electricity supply of 1.2. We have a hot water kettle at home. It takes about 20 minutes to burn every day. The refrigerator is on every day, but it's almost empty. The water heater is on for about 2 hours a day. The computer is a laptop, At the end of a week, 2 sets of electric cookers are on for 12 hours. The induction cooker is used about 4 times a week. The electric cooker is almost the same as the induction cooker. The electric light is used about 6 hours a day. The access control card is on for 24 hours. Can it cost 54 yuan in 10 days? Calculation

How to calculate the electricity charge? How much is the electricity charge for one hour? I spent 54.4 in 10 days Our apartment has a one-time electricity supply of 1.2. We have a hot water kettle at home. It takes about 20 minutes to burn every day. The refrigerator is on every day, but it's almost empty. The water heater is on for about 2 hours a day. The computer is a laptop, At the end of a week, 2 sets of electric cookers are on for 12 hours. The induction cooker is used about 4 times a week. The electric cooker is almost the same as the induction cooker. The electric light is used about 6 hours a day. The access control card is on for 24 hours. Can it cost 54 yuan in 10 days? Calculation

Hot water kettle 20 minutes a day, 10 days, 200 minutes, nearly 4 hours, 3.2 kilowatt hours according to 1000W
According to the calculation of energy saving, the refrigerator is 0.5 kwh / day, 5 kwh / day
Water heater 2kW, 2 hours per day, 2.5 kwh, 25 kwh per time
Computer 150W calculation 12 * 0.3 * 2 = 4.87.2 kWh
Induction cooker 0.2 degree 0.8 degree at a time
Access card 5W * 24 hours * 10 days 1.2 kWh
The lamp is 20W for 6 hours every day, and the calculation is 0.02 * 6 * 10 = 1.2 1.2 kwh
It basically matches your electricity bill

How long does an 8 watt desk lamp last? How to calculate it? Please give a formula

An 8-watt desk lamp consumes 8 watts an hour. Dividing 1000 by 8 equals 125. So it takes 125 hours to consume one kilowatt

When Xiao Ming was studying in the evening, he used a "220 V & nbsp; 40 W" light bulb for 3 hours, and the power consumption in the circuit was reduced______ If a "600 revs / kW · H" watt hour meter is connected to the circuit, the dial of the watt hour meter will turn during this period______ Turn

(1) The electric energy consumed by the bulb for 3 hours: w = Pt = 40 × 10-3 kW × 3 h = 0.12 kW · h; (2) ∵ when the electric appliance consumes 1 kwh of electric energy, the aluminum plate of the electric energy meter turns 600 turns, ∵ during this period, the number of turns of the dial of the electric energy meter: n = 0.12 kW · h × 600 revs / kW · H = 72 turns

One kilowatt hour of electricity uses a "220 V 40 W" bulb to work normally for several hours

1 kilowatt hour of electricity use a "220 V 40 W" bulb to work normally for 25 hours