How long does one kilowatt hour of electricity keep a 25 watt bulb on How long can a 25 watt bulb last for a kilowatt hour of electricity

How long does one kilowatt hour of electricity keep a 25 watt bulb on How long can a 25 watt bulb last for a kilowatt hour of electricity

Can be on 1000 / 25 = 40 hours
If you turn on the light at 6:30 p.m. and turn off the light at 12:00 p.m. every night, you will use one kilowatt hour of electricity in 8 days, that is, the electricity bill only costs 70 cents~

If the wattage of a bulb is a, the power consumption of the bulb is at / 1000 kwh. If the power consumption is 3 hours per day, the 25 Watt energy-saving bulb is better than the 40 Watt ordinary bulb

Degree = kWh
(25W / 1000W) x 6 lamps x 3 hours x 30 days = 13.5 kWh (degree)