When doing the experiment of measuring resistance by volt ampere method, the connection circuit is as shown in the figure. Please think about the following troubleshooting methods: (1) if the pointer of ammeter reverses after the switch is closed, this is because______ We can use it______ (2) if the voltmeter shows the number after the switch is closed and is close to the voltage value of the power supply, and the pointer of the ammeter hardly moves, this is because______ (3) if the ammeter shows the number after the switch is closed, the voltmeter does not______ (4) if the current indication is large after the switch is closed, it is because______ (5) if the current indication is very small after the switch is closed, adjust the slide of the sliding rheostat, and the pointer does not move because______ (6) (it can be seen from the experimental data) when the slide plate of the sliding rheostat is moved in the experiment, the indication of the two meters increases or decreases at the same time. If the opposite situation occurs, it is because______ .

When doing the experiment of measuring resistance by volt ampere method, the connection circuit is as shown in the figure. Please think about the following troubleshooting methods: (1) if the pointer of ammeter reverses after the switch is closed, this is because______ We can use it______ (2) if the voltmeter shows the number after the switch is closed and is close to the voltage value of the power supply, and the pointer of the ammeter hardly moves, this is because______ (3) if the ammeter shows the number after the switch is closed, the voltmeter does not______ (4) if the current indication is large after the switch is closed, it is because______ (5) if the current indication is very small after the switch is closed, adjust the slide of the sliding rheostat, and the pointer does not move because______ (6) (it can be seen from the experimental data) when the slide plate of the sliding rheostat is moved in the experiment, the indication of the two meters increases or decreases at the same time. If the opposite situation occurs, it is because______ .

(1) After the switch is closed, the pointer of the ammeter is reversed, which means that the positive and negative terminals of the ammeter are connected reversely, and the wires on the positive and negative terminals of the ammeter should be exchanged; (2) after the switch is closed, the voltmeter has indication, which is close to the voltage value of the power supply, but the pointer of the ammeter almost does not move, which indicates that the voltmeter is equivalent to being connected in series in the circuit

What are the methods of measuring resistance by voltammetry, and explain the experimental steps and methods in detail

Name: measuring resistance by voltammetry principle: according to Ohm's law, r = u / I equipment: one power supply, one switch, one adjustable resistance, one voltmeter, one ammeter, several connecting wires, and the resistance to be measured. Steps: 1. Circuit connection: the voltmeter is connected in parallel at both ends of the resistance to be measured. Then all devices are connected in series and then connected to the power supply

Principle of measuring resistance by voltammetry

According to the formula, voltage divided by current is equal to resistance, as long as you know the voltage and current, you can calculate the resistance of the circuit

Principle and detailed process of measuring resistance by voltammetry

The answer on the first floor is basically right, but it is a little simpler:
Measuring resistance by voltammetry is a typical use of Ohm's law. Ohm's law is the three elements of current, voltage and resistance. If you know two, you can get the third. This is the principle of measuring resistance by voltammetry
As long as a circuit (of course, there must be a power supply) is connected, the resistance value can be known by measuring the voltage drop on the resistance to be measured and the current through the resistance to be measured, and calculating with Ohm's Law: r = u / I