How many joules is the heat of alcohol increased by one degree

How many joules is the heat of alcohol increased by one degree

two point one

The calorific value of alcohol is 3x107j, and the calorific value of 10 grams of alcohol is?


The calorific value of alcohol is 3.0 times the seventh power of ten J / kg. What is the heat released by completely burning 10g alcohol

A: the amount of heat released by alcohol is 300000 J

The heat of charcoal is 3.4 × 10 7J / kg, which can be released when 5 kg charcoal is completely burned______ If only 0.1kg of charcoal is left in the furnace, what is its calorific value______ .

(1) The heat released from the complete combustion of 5kg charcoal: q = MQ = 5kg × 3.4 × 107j / kg = 1.7 × 108j, (2) ∵ calorific value is a physical quantity reflecting the characteristics of fuel, which is only related to the type of fuel, but has nothing to do with the quality of fuel and the degree of combustion