How many milliliters is a Jin equal to? How many milliliters is a Jin equal to? How to convert gram and milliliter?

How many milliliters is a Jin equal to? How many milliliters is a Jin equal to? How to convert gram and milliliter?

When the unit of liquid density is 1 g / ml;
1 kg = 500 ml / liquid density
One gram = 1 ml / liquid density
If the water is 1 jin = 500 ml and 1 g = 1 ml respectively

How many liters is a Jin equal to?
It's gasoline!

Halo, not the same unit of measurement
A kilogram is a unit of mass, 500g
Liter is a unit of volume. One cubic centimeter is equal to one milliliter, 1000 milliliters is one liter, that is, one cubic decimeter is equal to one liter
500 grams and 1 cubic decimeter cannot be compared because they are not the same unit of measurement
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