How to express time, distance and speed?

How to express time, distance and speed?

Time t distance s velocity v

Physical f traction force formula (Xiangxi)

When f is decomposed, f = SiNx * F1 or cosx * F1
F = μ * n when equal to friction force
There are many other situations

What are the letters in physics?
It's all about the meaning of every letter in physics!

(a) Unit of amplitude and acceleration current intensity "ampere"
B magnetic induction
C (c) unit of capacitance and specific heat capacity
D (d) distance
E (E) electric field strength, electromotive force and elementary charge
F (f) unit of force (friction), frequency and capacitance "farad"
G (g) gravity, gravitational constant, gravitational acceleration
H (H) Planck constant time unit "hour"
Coefficient of self induction unit "Henry" height
I (I) impulse, current intensity
Unit of J work "Joule"
K (k) electrostatic constant, stiffness coefficient, thermodynamic temperature unit "Kelvin"
L (L) inductance length
M (m) mass, moment length unit "m"
N (n) the elastic force between objects, the number of unit "Newton" of refractive index force, and the number of coil turns
O point of action
P (P) pressure, power (mechanical power, electrical power), momentum
Q (q) quantity of electricity and heat
R (R) resistance radius
S (s) displacement (distance), area time unit "second" arc length
Tension, time and period physical quantity magnetic induction intensity on t (T) rope
Unit of "Tesla"
U (U) voltage and potential difference
V( )
The unit of voltage is "volt"
W work (mechanical work, electrical work) unit of power "watt"
X (x) is the coordinate axis
Y (y) is the coordinate axis
Other units of physical quantities
The unit of resistance is "ohm" Ω
Wavelength λ
Center angle of magnetic flux circle
angular velocity
Dynamic friction coefficient
Density, resistivity
Electric potential energy and dielectric constant
2、 Physical unit
M, m, kg, kg, s, s
M / s, M / s, radian / s, rad / S
M / S2, M / S2, KGM / S2
Newton, N, square meter, M2, Pascal
M3, m3, kg / m3
Hertz, Mo, mol
、 ,、
Joule, J, Watt, W, V / m, N / Ku
Ampere, a, Ma, μ a, V, MV, μ V, ohm, Ω, K Ω,
Tesla, t, Webb
3、 The order of magnitude used in the conversion of physical units
One, ten, hundred, thousand, trillion
2. Magnetic field strength of milli, micro, nano, Pico B
C specific heat
E energy
EK kinetic energy
F force
F friction
G gravity
H. Enthalpy
I current
L length
M mass, spin magnetic quantum number
P power
Q fever
S entropy
T temperature
U internal energy
V volume
W work
Z proton number
S second, H hour, w work, s distance, V speed, V volume, min min
μ friction factor, ρ density, ω angular velocity, η power, J Joule
N Newton, f force, a acceleration, m mass, P pressure, G acceleration of gravity
Name symbol unit formula
Mass m kg m = PV
Temperature T ° C ° C
Velocity v m / S M / S v = s / T
Density p kg / M & sup3; kg / M & sup3; P = m / V
Force (gravity) f Newton (cow) n g = mg
Pressure P Pascal PA P = f / S
Work w Joule (joule) J W = FS
Power P watt W P = w / T
Current I a (a) a i = u / R
Voltage U V U = IR
Resistance R ohm (Ω) r = u / I
Electric work w Joule (joule) J W = uit
Electric power P watt (watt) W P = w / T = UI
Heat Q Joule J Q = cm (T-T °)
Specific heat C coke / (kg ° C) J / (kg ° C)

I q t u r p also has some physical formulas (from grade two) and their meanings and explanations

I current I = u / r i = P / u i = q / TQ charge quantity Q = it heat q = I & sup2; RT = u & sup2; t / R q = m △ TC C is specific heat capacity t time t = s / V time equals distance divided by velocity u voltage U = IR = P / IR resistance R = u / I = u & sup2 / / P = P / I & sup2; P power P = UI = u & sup2 / / r = I & sup2; R pressure P =