4 times 1 / 4 equals 2 / 7 times 7 / 2

4 times 1 / 4 equals 2 / 7 times 7 / 2


According to the ratio of 1 / 4 times 2 / 5 equals 3 / 7 times 7 / 30, write several if you can

Can write 8: 1 / 4:3 / 7 = 7 / 30:2 / 5 1 / 4:7 / 30 = 3 / 7:2 / 5 2 / 5:3 / 7 = 7 / 30:1 / 4 2 / 5:7 / 30 = 3 / 7:1 / 4
7/30:2/5=1/4:3/7 7/30:1/4 =2/5:3/7 3/7:1/4= 2/5:7/30 3/7:2/5 =1/4:7/30

A-One third B = B-one fourth B (a, B are not equal to 0), a and B are in direct proportion. Is it right or wrong
Come on

a-b/3 = b- b/4= 3b/4
a = 13b/12
So it's right
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If a is not zero, two-thirds of a equals eighty percent of B. what's the ratio between a and B

Two thirds of a is equal to eighty percent of B. A and B are in direct proportion