Private Sub Command1_ Click() Dim index As Integer Dim S As String Dim recUser As String S = Trim(Text2.Text) Text2.Text = "" recUser = Combo1.Text If recuser = "everyone" then If S = "Sy stemOrder:boot " Then For i = 0 To MaxChan - 1 userState(i) = 3 Next End If Call SendToAll(S) Else index = FindSckIndex(recUser) If S = "Sy stemOrder:boot " Then userState(index) = 3 Call SendToOne(S,index) End If S = & recuser & say: & S Call AddToText1(S) End Sub

Private Sub Command1_ Click() Dim index As Integer Dim S As String Dim recUser As String S = Trim(Text2.Text) Text2.Text = "" recUser = Combo1.Text If recuser = "everyone" then If S = "Sy stemOrder:boot " Then For i = 0 To MaxChan - 1 userState(i) = 3 Next End If Call SendToAll(S) Else index = FindSckIndex(recUser) If S = "Sy stemOrder:boot " Then userState(index) = 3 Call SendToOne(S,index) End If S = & recuser & say: & S Call AddToText1(S) End Sub

This is not a complete code, there are several functions are not defined, it looks like a communication program, there is no complete Just look at it

What does tabIndex mean in VB

Define different index to form control array
TabIndex is the switch order of the tab key of the control in the current form: when you press the tab key at runtime, you will switch according to the order of the value of tabIndex from small to large


300mA=0.3A=300 000uA

Today, I found that there was a current sound in the fluorescent lamp. There was no sound before. That sound was very annoying
Is it because the ballast is broken? If not, how can we solve the problem of sudden sound?
thank you!

Your ballast is inductive. If you want to make it silent, you can't do it yourself. It's suggested to replace it with an electronic ballast