RLC circuit, the phase angle is positive, the resistance, capacitance, inductance change 2 times, how much phase angle change

RLC circuit, the phase angle is positive, the resistance, capacitance, inductance change 2 times, how much phase angle change

Let Z0 = R + J (ω L-1 / ω C)
Then Z1 = 2R + J (ω 2l-1 / ω 2C) = 2 [R + J (ω L-1 / 4 ω C)
In a word, if the phase angle of RLC circuit is positive and the resistance, capacitance and inductance are doubled, the phase angle becomes larger

In the following circuits, the active power P greater than 0 is: a pure resistance circuit B pure capacitance circuit C pure inductance circuit

Choose a
B. C active power is 0, because capacitors and inductors are energy storage devices

In the AC circuit, capacitance and resistance inductance in parallel in the circuit, know the voltage, current, power factor, frequency, capacitance

Knowing the voltage and current, the apparent capacity s can be obtained;
Knowing the power factor, the reactive power capacity can be obtained;
According to the reactive capacity, the reactance can be calculated, but there is no condition to calculate the reactance

Capacitance. Inductance. Resistance. Diode. Triode. With what symbol

Capacitance: C
Inductance: l
Resistance: R
Diode: D
Triode: Q / T
The initials of the above nouns