In a right triangle, if the hypotenuse is 12cm long, what is its area?

In a right triangle, if the hypotenuse is 12cm long, what is its area?

Let two right angle sides be a and B, then AA + BB = 144
Area s = AB / 2

In an isosceles right triangle, the longest side is 10 cm long. How many square centimeters is the area of this triangle?

A: the area of this isosceles right triangle is 25 square centimeters

One right side of a right triangle is 1 / 3 of the other. The length of the hypotenuse is 10. Its area is ()
I hope to write out the process of solving the problem,

Both sides are a, B, B = A / 3, Pythagorean theorem a square + b square = 100, substituting B = A / 3, we can see that a square = 90, s = 1 / 2 * AB = 1 / 2 * 1 / 3 * a square, that is s = 15

The right side of an isosceles right triangle is 10 cm. The area of this triangle is ()

Let the right side of the triangle be a, then according to the Pythagorean theorem, the right side 10 & # 178; = A & # 178; + A & # 178;, we can get: a = radical 50 = 5 and radical 2
S triangle = 0.5xaxa = 0.5x50 = 25cm & # 178;