Draw the largest triangle on a rectangle 8.4cm long and 5cm wide. What is the area of the triangle in square centimeters

Draw the largest triangle on a rectangle 8.4cm long and 5cm wide. What is the area of the triangle in square centimeters

No matter how you draw it, the area of the largest triangle is only half that of the rectangle
So the area of this triangle is 8.4 * 5 / 2 = 21 square centimeters

Cut out the largest triangle in a rectangular piece of paper 10 cm long and 7 cm wide. The area of the triangle is______ Square centimeter

A: the area of this triangle is 35 square centimeters. So the answer is: 35

Given the triangle bottom a = 20, height h = 4, calculate the area s. given the rectangle length a = 0.8, width b = 6, calculate the area s; perimeter C

Triangle area formula: 1 / 2 x bottom x height = 40
Rectangle area formula: length x width = 4.8 perimeter formula: 2x (length + width) = 13.6