The area formulas of () and () can be derived from the area formula of parallelogram

The area formulas of () and () can be derived from the area formula of parallelogram

The parallelogram can be decomposed into two triangles and a square

How to find the area formula of isosceles triangle?

Let waist length = A and vertex angle be a

In the derivation of the area formula of a circle, the circle is divided into several equal parts to form a progressive rectangle. It is known that the length of the rectangle is 6.42 cm more than the width
What is the area of the circle

What is the area of the circle? The length of the rectangle = half of the circumference of the circle = 3.14 × radius. The width of the rectangle = radius of the circle. Length width = 3.14 × radius radius = radius × 2.14 = 8.56 cm

In the derivation of the area formula of a circle, the circle is divided into several equal parts to form a progressive rectangle. It is known that the length of the rectangle is 8.56 cm more than the width
What is the area of the circle?

The length of the rectangle = half the circumference of the circle = 3.14 × radius
The width of the rectangle = the radius of the circle
Length width = 3.14 × radius radius = radius × 2.14 = 8.56cm
So, radius = 8.56 △ 2.14 = 4 (CM)
Area of circle = 3.14 × 4 & # 178; = 50.24 (square centimeter)

In the derivation of the area formula of a circle, the circle is divided into several equal parts to form an approximate rectangle. It is known that the length of the rectangle is 64.2 cm more than the width, and what is the area of the circle

64.2 △ 3.14-1) = 64.2 △ 2.14 = 30 cm, radius
14 × 30 × 30 = 2826 cm and 178; the area of circle is 2826 cm and 178;