Fill in the words for color () flag () cover () () a regiment

Fill in the words for color () flag () cover () () a regiment

symbol of the emperor
Believe me, you're right!
Xiaoxia is here!

A few simple fifth grade questions
The earth is divided into crust, core and mantle
The earth's crust is made up of layers of (). The deeper you go, the bigger the (), and the higher the (). The material there is as hot as molten glass, which is called ()
The knowledge about Narcissus the legend about Narcissus the poem about Narcissus the prose about Narcissus
() description () writing
Strong and dry
China is located in the east of () state and the West Bank of () ocean, covering an area of () ten thousand square kilometers
China has () provincial administrative regions, of which four municipalities are (), (), () and ()
For example: Mount Tai (Shandong Province)
Zhangjiajie ()
Jiuzhaigou ()
West Lake ()
Ends of the earth ()
Lijiang River ()
Dali ()
Changbai Mountain ()
For example: the world's most famous tidal bore (Qiantang River spring tide)
The lowest basin in the world ()
The highest mountain in the world ()
The longest canal in the world ()
The largest square in the world ()

1. (crust) is the solid crust of the earth, which is made up of layers of (rocks (blocks)). The deeper the earth goes, the greater the pressure and the higher the temperature. The material there is as hot as a burnt glass, which is called (magma). (core) is equivalent to the yolk of a boiled egg, and (mantle) is equivalent to the protein of a boiled egg
2. Narcissus knowledge:
The bulb of the underground part is like onion, ovoid to broadly ovoid, covered with brown membrane. The leaves are long and narrow, with two rows. The scape is hollow and flat tubular. Usually, there are more than 10 scapes per bulb, and there are more than 10 scapes per bulb, forming a corymb
Narcissus is a kind of herbaceous flower, also known as Jinyintai, yulinglong and yasuan. It is mainly distributed in the warm and humid areas along the southeast coast of China, and is most famous in Zhangzhou, Xiamen and Chongming Island of Shanghai, Narcissus has beautiful flowers, green leaves, fragrant flowers, elegant, has become one of the world's famous winter indoor and garden display flowers
The legend of Narcissus:
It is said that daffodils are the incarnations of Emperor Yao's daughters, E-Huang and nu Ying. They both marry Shun. Their elder sister is the empress and their younger sister is the concubine. They have a good relationship. Shun died in the southern tour, and E-Huang and nu Ying both died in the Xiangjiang River, They also became the flower gods of the daffodils in the twelfth lunar month. According to this, the predecessors did not know to write many poems praising daffodils, such as Cao Zhi's Luo Shen Fu, and Song Dynasty's daffodils before and after the Fu. If they express the beauty of daffodils to one point, it is "purity"
It is said that in Yuanshan, Fujian Province, there was a kind-hearted peasant woman who helped the starving beggar. The beggar used to be an immortal. He sprayed his food around the house and later grew marigold and silver Narcissus. The meaning of giving Narcissus among the people is to praise you for your good heart and good luck. Congratulations on your good luck
In ancient Greek legend, Narcissus is the embodiment of Narcissus, a self pitying young man. It is said that this beautiful young man fell in love with his own shadow after seeing his own shadow by the water. He fell into the water and died. After death, he became a narcissus. (Note: European Narcissus and Chinese Narcissus belong to the same species.)
Poems about daffodils:
Wang chongdao sent 50 Narcissus flowers, happily knowing and singing for them
Huang Tingjian of Song Dynasty
Lingbo fairy dust socks, water light step micro month
Who is calling this heartbroken soul? It's a kind of cold flower
If you want to go out of town, shanfan is your brother and Mei is your brother
Sit to really become annoyed by the flower, go out a smile big river horizontal
Prose about Narcissus
Daughter's Narcissus comes from Wang Qingming's Prose
2. Understatement
3. China is located in the east of (Asia) continent and the West Bank of (Taiping) ocean, with a land area of (9.6) million square kilometers. China's neighboring countries include (Myanmar) (laos) (Vietnam) (Mongolia). China has (34) provincial administrative regions
4. Four of them are Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai and Chongqing
5. Zhangjiajie (Hunan Province)
Jiuzhaigou (Sichuan Province)
Xihu (Zhejiang Province)
Ends of the earth (Hainan Province)
Lijiang River (Guangxi Province)
Dali (Yunnan Province)
Changbai Mountain (Jilin Province)

1. The numerator of 23 out of 25 minus a, and the denominator plus a, the new fraction is about 3 out of 5. What's a?
9 quality 6
+ quality 8 quality
1 quality
How many are the addend, the addend and the sum?
3. Compare the size of 1234567 / 9876543 with 12345678 / 98765432
4. To build a road, it takes 12 days for the processing team to do it alone, 15 days for the engineering team B, and 9 days for the engineering team C. which team a, B, and C can do it the fastest? How many points can A-B cooperate with each other in one day? How many points can B-C cooperate with each other in one day? How many points can a-b-c cooperate with each other in three days?
A rectangular water basin is 5 decimeters long, 40 centimeters wide and 30 centimeters deep. The water depth is 20 centimeters. Now immerse a cube iron block whose edge length is 20 centimeters into the water in the basin. How many centimeters will the water surface rise in the basin?
Five hours is equal to a day
How many kinds of rectangles with different shapes are there, whose sides are natural numbers and whose area is 165 square centimeters?