If you move the decimal point one place to the left, the difference between the two quotients is 33.3. What is the original divisor?

If you move the decimal point one place to the left, the difference between the two quotients is 33.3. What is the original divisor?

Move the decimal point of a number one place to the left, and the number will be reduced by 10 times. After moving, the number will be 1 / 10 of the original number, which means that the difference between the two numbers is known to be 33.3, and the large number is 10 times of the decimal. Use the difference multiple formula to calculate:
The original number is: 3.7 * 10 = 37
Checking calculation: 37-3.7 = 33.7

When two rational numbers are added, subtracted, multiplied, divided and multiplied, the result is still ()

A rational number is closed to four operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division

There are four rational numbers 2_ 2,11,_ 11. Add, subtract, multiply, divide and multiply these four numbers (each number is used only once) to make the result equal to 2
There are four rational numbers 2_ 2,11,_ 11. Add, subtract, multiply, divide and square these four numbers (each number is used only once) so that the result is equal to 24. Please write a formula that meets the conditions
