If the absolute value of the difference between the two equations x2 + 2x + P = 0 is equal to 1, then p=

If the absolute value of the difference between the two equations x2 + 2x + P = 0 is equal to 1, then p=

Let two equations be α and β, then | α - β | = 1 √ [(α - β) & # 178;] = 1 (| a | = √ (| a |) √ [(α + β) & # 178; - 4 α β] = 1 ((a-b) & # 178; = (a + b) & # 178; - 4AB) (α + β) & # 178; - 4 α β = 1. According to Weida's theorem, α + β = - 2, α β = P, so (- 2) & # 178; - 4P = 14-4p = 3P =

The absolute value of the difference between the two equations x2 + 2x + P = 0 of quadratic equation 1 with one variable is equal to 1, and P is obtained
If two of the equations x2-ax-2 = 0 are X1 X2, then lx1l + lx2l = (l l l) is the absolute value
3 if the equation x2-2 (A-1) x - (B + 2) 2 = 0 has two equal real roots (1), find the power of A
+The cubic power of B (2) to solve the quadratic equation of one variable with the values of a and B as roots
When k is the value, the sum of squares of the two equations 2x2 - (4K + 1) x + 2k2-1 = 0 is 25 / 4
If one of the two real roots of the equation x2-4x-2m + 8 = 0 is greater than 1 and the other is less than 1, the range of M can be obtained

Square root of a ^ 2-4
A = 1, B = - 2, find the power of a + the third power of B = - 7

Given that a and B are real numbers and a ≥ 1, if the equation x & sup2; - 2bx - (a-2b & sup2;) = 0 has a real solution and satisfies 2A & sup2; - AB & sup2; - 5A + B & sup2; + 4 = 0. Find the value of a & sup2; + B & sup2

It is known that real numbers a, B, C, R, P satisfy pr > 1, pc-2b + RA = 0. It is proved that the quadratic equation AX2 + 2bx + C = 0 has real roots

It is proved that: 2B = PC + RA is known, so △ = (2b) 2-4ac = (PC + RA) 2-4ac = P2C2 + 2pcra + r2a2-4ac = p2c2-2pcra + r2a2 + 4pcra-4ac = (PC RA) 2 + 4ac (PR-1). PR-1 > 0 and (PC RA) 2 ≥ 0 are known, so when AC ≥ 0, △≥ 0; when AC < 0, △ = (2b) 2-4ac > 0. In conclusion, there is always △≥ 0, so the original equation must have real roots

Please be happy
And "I hope you are happy every day, I will always be by your side."
My translation is not so standard, so I hope people who understand it can translate it. Please don't use the translator,

Wish you happiness forever.
I hope that you will be happy ever and ever after,and I will always be there for you.

English translation in the world

in the world

I want to give you a baby

I'm going to have a baby for you.

Who is to take care of the baby

Who look after the baby?

English translation of "wish you happiness and health"

wish you happiness and health.

Dad used to like chatting with others, but now he doesn't like chatting with others very much

my dad liked chat with other people in the past ,but he doesn't likes chatting with them at present.