What is rational number? The definition of rational number

What is rational number? The definition of rational number

Mathematically, a rational number is the ratio of an integer a to a non-zero integer B, for example, 3 / 8, generally a / B, so it is also called a fraction
A rational number is a set of integers and fractions
The fractional part of a rational number is finite or circular. Real numbers that are not rational numbers are called irrational numbers

Play the 24 point game with -- 5,3,7, - 12 to mix these numbers

There are 30 algorithms for 24 point game title [- 5,3,7, - 12]
1. -12-[3×﹙-5-7﹚]
2. ﹙3+7﹚÷﹙-5÷-12﹚
3. -5-[7+﹙-12×3﹚]
4. -5-[﹙3×-12﹚+7]
5. [﹙7+3﹚×-12]÷-5
6. ﹙-12÷-5﹚×﹙7+3﹚
7. ﹙7+3﹚×﹙-12÷-5﹚
8. [3×﹙7--5﹚]+-12
9. -12÷[-5÷﹙7+3﹚]
10. -12+[﹙7--5﹚×3]
11. [-12×﹙3+7﹚]÷-5
12. [-5-﹙-12×3﹚]-7
13. [-12×﹙7+3﹚]÷-5
14. ﹙3+7﹚×﹙-12÷-5﹚
15. ﹙-5-7﹚-﹙-12×3﹚
16. ﹙7+3﹚÷﹙-5÷-12﹚
17. ﹙-12÷-5﹚×﹙3+7﹚
18. [﹙3+7﹚÷-5]×-12
19. -12+[3×﹙7--5﹚]
20. ﹙-5-7﹚-﹙3×-12﹚
21. [﹙7+3﹚÷-5]×-12
22. -12-[﹙-5-7﹚×3]
23. [﹙3+7﹚×-12]÷-5
24. [﹙7--5﹚×3]+-12
25. [-5-﹙3×-12﹚]-7
26. -12×[﹙3+7﹚÷-5]
27. -12×[﹙7+3﹚÷-5]
28. -12÷[-5÷﹙3+7﹚]
29. -5-[﹙-12×3﹚+7]
30. -5-[7+﹙3×-12﹚]

The addition and subtraction of integers: first simplify, then evaluate
Where a = - - 189;
