25% of a is equal to 20% of B. A is greater than B. B is greater than A. C is equal to B Finally, tell the answer

25% of a is equal to 20% of B. A is greater than B. B is greater than A. C is equal to B Finally, tell the answer

Let a be x and B be y
25% X=20% Y
That is, 0.25x = 0.20y
So y = 1.25x
Therefore, the number of B is greater than that of A

20% of the number a is equal to 25% of the number B, and the number a is several times of the number B

The number of a is 1.25 times that of B

Twenty percent of number a is equal to one fourth of number B. what percentage is number a

125 percent
Isn't the number a five times that of 20 percent, that is, five times that of one fourth of the number B? Isn't that five quarters that of 125 percent?
If you are satisfied with my answer, please accept it. Don't let me down

If the number a is equal to 25% of the number B, then the number B is () of the number a, and the number a is () less than the number B

Let B be 100x, then a be 25X
B is 100x / 25X of a = 4 = 400%
Number a is less than number B (100x-25x) / 100x = 75%