I love math, X4 = learn numbers, love me, ask me =?, love =?, number =? Learn =?

I love math, X4 = learn numbers, love me, ask me =?, love =?, number =? Learn =?

Because I love math, I still have 4 digits after 4, so I can only do 1 or 2
Because I am the individual bit of learning × 4, I can only be even. So I = 2, learning = 3 or 8 (3 × 4 = 12, 8 × 4 = 32, so that the individual bit satisfies 2)
If I am 2, then learning must not be less than I × 4 in thousand places, so learning can only be 8 or 9. So learning = 8
Learning is equal to 8, that is I × 4, so I love mathematics hundred × 4 without carry. That is to say, love mathematics × 4 = number love me. It is still three digits, so love = 1 or 2
And because
If the ten and one digit of mathematics × 4 love me, then love = 4 × number + 3, so love must be cardinal. So love = 1
Similarly, the number that can be deduced is 7
Even if I = 2, love = 1, number = 7, learning = 8

I love math * 4 = learn math, love me, I = love = number = learn math=


I love China
Fill in the numbers

The diameter of the big circle is three times that of the small circle, and the area of the big circle is six times that of the small circle

Wrong, it should be nine times. Because the area of big circle and small circle is π × R & sup2;, π is the same, R is not the same, the radius of big circle is three times that of small circle, so the area of big circle should be nine times that of small circle