Today, there are chickens and rabbits living together in a cage. There are 35 chicken heads and rabbit heads, and 94 chicken feet and rabbit feet?

Today, there are chickens and rabbits living together in a cage. There are 35 chicken heads and rabbit heads, and 94 chicken feet and rabbit feet?

Suppose all rabbits, then chickens have: (35 × 4-94) △ 4-2, = 46 △ 2, = 23, 35-23 = 12. A: there are 23 chickens and 12 rabbits

There are thirty-five chickens and ninety-four rabbits in the same cage. How many chickens and rabbits are there? If there are x chickens, then there are (35-x) rabbits

If there are x chickens, there are (35-x) rabbits
According to the equation listed in the title:
There are 23 chickens and 12 rabbits

Put the chickens and rabbits in the same cage, count from the top, there are 35 heads, count from the bottom, there are 94 feet?
In solving equations, it is necessary to write the solution, equation and the solution of the equation
It's going to be a linear equation of one variable

Let the chicken be x, then the rabbit be (35-x)
Operation: 140-2x = 94
23 for chicken and 35-23 = 12 for rabbit

There are several chickens and rabbits. If the ratio of total head to total foot is 2:5, then the ratio of chickens to rabbits is [

There are several chickens and rabbits. If the ratio of total head to total foot is 2:5, then the ratio of chickens to rabbits is [3:1]
Suppose chicken x, rabbit y