English explanation and sentence component analysis What do you mean by... But rather? 2 in the second place, some people acceptable capabilities have not had the opportunity to receive higher education? When can that be omitted in a clause Please analyze the composition of the second question

English explanation and sentence component analysis What do you mean by... But rather? 2 in the second place, some people acceptable capabilities have not had the opportunity to receive higher education? When can that be omitted in a clause Please analyze the composition of the second question

1. It seems that there is no sentence. 2. It's a perfect form. What's the matter? Just use the participle form of "have done". Just as the verb is "have", it becomes the form of "had", eg.He suggested (that)we should le...

Can you explain the sentence elements of English

There are many similarities between English and Chinese. Generally speaking, sentences should have subject predicate (object) and tenses. In my opinion, to learn English well, we should read more, and "read a hundred times and see what you mean" is also suitable for English. Of course, the premise is that we have a certain vocabulary accumulation, I'm good at English. I just read more and sum up the rules of general sentences and some commonly used special expressions. I hope my experience will be beneficial to you

The main problem is its prevalance, and the social costs that ensure from the use by everyone of something that would be fair if, say, only the rich were to use it

The main problem subject
Is predicate
Its precedence object, and the social costs object (parallel structure)
That answer from the use by everyone of something attributive clause modifies costs
That would be fair happiness attributive clause modifies something
The adverbial clause followed by the insertion of say
If only the rich were to use it
The main problem lies in the popularity of cars and public consumption per person, but if only the rich consume, the cost will not matter
If you have any questions, please continue to ask me!

Help explain the following grammar point
It can be seen that the purpose of study still is work effectively that have not necessary related to education level
As far as I am concerned, the criteria of salary is worker's ability and the contribution to society progress

You should use working
There is a copula is in the front and an adverb effectively in the back, so we can only use the gerund form working
We should use are
Because the subject of the sentence is criteria in the plural, the verb be is also in the plural

Please help me explain the grammar of the following words!
I thought it was a bad sign that you didn't know who Ernest Hemingway was,and you thought I was lazy.We were both right.

You don't know who Ernest Miller Hemingway is a bad sign to me, and you think I'm lazy - we're all right
"That you didn't know who Ernest Hemingway was" is an appositive clause guided by that~

Explain the grammar of the following sentence
Twelve of them shining bright in vain
like flowers that blossom just once in years
Is it a grammatical mistake that there is no subject predicate structure or thematic structure in poetry

Is it a poem? A sentence has only subject but no predicate. Twelve of them is the subject, shining bright in vain is the attributive modifying subject, and like flowers that blossom just once in years is also modifying subject. There is no subject predicate structure and no main structure. Sometimes it is rhymed

English translation
It was too hot to go further and they wish they could find a river and swim in the cool water?

It's too hot to go far. They hope to find a river and swim in the cool water
You can use farther instead
When further is used to describe the profundity of abstraction, further cannot replace it
Here is to show the distance of concrete, so it can be changed

Who can help me explain the meaning of the following paragraph!
The spring is warm, the year of Ding Hai is long, the year of candle and Li is in harmony; tonight's banquet is full of wine and wine, the joy is in harmony, the feeling is stronger, and the heart is warm in winter; the distant wish is to be sincere with you, the family is prosperous, and the happiness is in peace

With the end of the twelfth lunar month and the coming of spring, we will enter the year of 1911. The candlelight is dazzling, and it is a beautiful year. We will raise our glasses to celebrate. We will be happy and affectionate. We will use the temperature in our hearts to resist the cold winter. We will encourage you and wish you health and safety

Please explain the following paragraph for me
The brain is the organ that consumes the most oxygen in the whole body. It consumes 500-600 liters of oxygen per minute on average. Only sufficient oxygen supply can improve the working efficiency of the brain. Is my lung so powerful? It supplies 500-600 liters of oxygen per minute to the brain

The oxygen consumption is different in different states. The average oxygen consumption is 500-600 liters per minute. There must be a problem. The oxygen demand of adults at rest is about 250 ml · min - 1

Who can help me explain the meaning of the following sentence!
Bamboo has drooping leaves,
The proud plum has no flowers on its back
Please explain in detail!

This couplet uses things to describe people, and uses things to express one's will. It captures the characteristics of plum and bamboo to show people's beautiful soul